Block! Hexa Puzzle icon

Block! Hexa Puzzle APK

Dev: BitMango Category: Puzzle License: Free 4.5 out of 5

Block! Hexa Puzzle is a fun mobile game where you have the goal of dragging these hexa blocks on the virtual board, and match them together with other hexa blocks. The grid frame makes sure you're always going to fit these elements in the right place. Please remember that you aren't allowed to rotate the blocks as you move them around in this virtual world.

Just as you're used from other puzzle games available on the market, this one makes sure the first levels are easier in comparison to other founds later in the game. The graphics are very colorful and the included levels don't have a time limit. Another positive thing about Block! Hexa Puzzle is the ability to earn rewards from daily challenges, and even more by doing well in special quests.

Not only you can check the number of the current level you're facing by looking at the left upper part of the screen, but this game also provides a feature which automatically saves your progress.

Block! Hexa Puzzle screenshot 1
Block! Hexa Puzzle screenshot 2
Block! Hexa Puzzle screenshot 3


4.1 and up
31.39 MB
4.1 and up
31.42 MB
4.1 and up
30.89 MB

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