Block! Triangle - Tangram icon

Block! Triangle - Tangram APK

Dev: BitMango Category: Puzzle License: Free 4.5 out of 5

Block! Triangle - Tangram is yet another enjoyable puzzle game developed for mobile devices, in which you have the purpose of filling up various shapes using small triangle pieces. You must keep in mind the fact that you aren't able to rotate any of these blocks. The gameplay contains a collection made of more than 2000 puzzles, and you can complete them at your own pace because there is no time limit.

Being a very simplistic game, you shouldn't run into problems while going through these levels. You can also play the game without having to stay connected to the Internet. The visuals are well-made and they are accompanied by proper sound effects. At the bottom of the screen you will find a couple of commands for pausing/resuming the game, but you can also restart the current level.

Block! Triangle - Tangram screenshot 1
Block! Triangle - Tangram screenshot 2
Block! Triangle - Tangram screenshot 3


4.1 and up
33.88 MB
4.1 and up
28.90 MB

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