ASKfm is the official application for the platform wearing the same name and you can use it to ask or answer questions straight from your Android smartphone or tablet. Right off the bat, the app rocks a simple and intuitive layout and the first thing you must do is to connect to one of your Facebook or Twitter accounts.
You are able to have your own profile and the information displayed here contains data regarding the number of provided answers, likes received and gifts. The nice thing is that this software allows you to post anonymous questions. There's a social network aspect to this platform as well. You can send friend requrests to other people and perform regular tasks with regard to managing your friends.
There are 40 languages supported inside this application and you can see all the questions answered by your friends easily. An answer can contain photos or animated GIF files and your not forced to only type text. Another good feature is the ability to see a list containing the users which liked your answers provided to questions. In case someone's pissing you off, ASKfm enables you to turn off anonymous questions for that specific user.